Complexities in DUI Cases

Insights from a Recent Georgia Supreme Court Ruling In the realm of DUI defense, recent developments in Georgia case law highlight the importance of understanding the intricate legal landscape that can significantly impact the outcome of a case. The Georgia Supreme Court’s decision in Garrison v. State, S24G007, August 13, 2024, offers crucial insights into two […]

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6 Major Reasons Why Diagnostic Hospital Blood Test For Alcohol Fall Short In a DUI Case

Why Hospital Blood Alcohol Tests Lack Forensic Reliability in DUI Cases When facing a DUI charge, the evidence often hinges on blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test results. However, it’s important to understand that not all BAC tests are created equal-particularly those conducted in hospital laboratories. While essential for medical treatment, hospital laboratory testing for alcohol […]

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The Movement to Lower the DUI BAC Limit in the U.S

The Movement to Lower the DUI BAC Limit in the U.S. In late 2018, Utah became the first state in the United States to lower its drunk-driving limit from a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of .08 to .05. This bold move has sparked a significant debate and a movement across the country to adopt similar legislation. […]

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General and Special Demurrers

Understanding General and Special Demurrers,Their Key Differences, and How It Applies to DUI Cases In the intricate landscape of legal procedures, demurrers play a crucial role in the judicial process. For those unfamiliar, a demurrer is an objection that an opponent’s point is irrelevant or invalid while conceding the factual basis of the point. This […]

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Insights from State v. Lim

Does OCGA § 17-16-23 Protect the State from Early Evidence? Insights from State v. Lim On May 20, 2024, the Georgia Court of Appeals Second Division made an impactful decision on court order precedence over OCGA §17-16-23 in State v. Lim. Background After his involvement in a single vehicle accident in October 2022, Woo Sik […]

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DUI Case Update: Tatum v. State

Supreme Court of Georgia considers whether the independent source doctrine allows the admission of cell-phone evidence obtained via a search warrant, without considering if the decision to seek the warrant was prompted by an earlier warrantless search of the same cell-phone. Tatum v. State, S230955, Supreme Court of Georgia, June 11, 2024 Background and Case […]

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Should I hire an attorney for traffic accident tickets in Georgia?

As a Georgia DUI lawyer, we have to deal with a lot of regular traffic tickets. Every DUI arrest starts with an ordinary traffic ticket. I understand the challenges that all drivers face when dealing with a traffic ticket involving an accident, especially for young drivers under 21 years of age. If you have been […]

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Understanding the Statute of Limitations

   In the state of Georgia, the prosecution of misdemeanors must be commenced within two years after the commission of the crime. This includes cases involving driving under the influence (DUI). However, there are some nuances and complexities to this law that must be understood to represent clients effectively in DUI cases.  The Statute of […]

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Understanding the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test in DUI Investigations.

As a Georgia DUI Attorney, I have encountered numerous cases where law enforcement officers have utilized the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) test to determine whether a driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In this blog post, I will provide an in-depth explanation of the HGN test, its purpose, and its potential limitations.  […]

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