Georgia DUI Breath Testing’s Dirty Little Secret

Understanding Blood Breath Ratio Assumptions in DUI Breath Testing: Insights for Georgia Drivers When facing a DUI charge in Georgia, understanding the intricacies of breath testing technology and the legal assumptions underpinning it is crucial. Central to this is the concept of the blood breath ratio (BBR), which significantly affects the outcome of breathalyzer tests. […]

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State v. Jones: A Comprehensive Analysis of a DUI Case

In the case of State v. Jones, A24A0328, Court of Appeals of Georgia, Fourth Division. Decided: April 22, 2024. the Appellate Court was presented with a series of questions regarding the legality of a traffic stop and subsequent DUI arrest. The case highlights the intricacies of Fourth Amendment jurisprudence and the application of Georgia state […]

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Navigating Travel Restrictions with a DUI: A Guide for Those Seeking to Explore the World

As an experienced and empathetic DUI attorney, George Creal understands the complexities and challenges individuals face when dealing with a DUI arrest or conviction. One significant concern for many is how a DUI may impact their ability to travel internationally. In this blog post, we will discuss what countries may not let you in for […]

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The DEA’s Move to Reclassify Marijuana: Implications for Atlanta Georgia DUI Cases

As a prominent Atlanta Georgia DUI lawyer, we are committed to staying abreast of the latest developments in the legal landscape that may affect our clients. Today, we’re discussing a significant announcement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommending to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that marijuana be reclassified from a Schedule […]

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The Unintended Consequences of Lowering the DUI Legal Limit: A Closer Look

In the late 1990s, a significant shift occurred in the fight against drunk driving across the United States. States began to lower the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for a per se DUI from 0.10% to 0.08%. This change, championed by many as a necessary step towards safer roads, was expected to lead to […]

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Navigating Georgia Marijuana DUI Arrests: Insights from George Creal

In light of the recent Wall Street Journal article published on February 5, 2024, titled “Marijuana Messes With Your Driving for Longer Than You Think: Weed affects you differently than alcohol, and it can be harder to figure out when it’s safe to drive,” the complexities surrounding marijuana use and driving have become a hot topic […]

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10 Critical areas to challenge when fighting a Georgia DUI blood test

In Georgia, as in many other jurisdictions, DUI blood samples are typically tested for alcohol content using published processes by the Georgia Bureau of investigation. The procedure generally involves several key steps: Collection and Preservation of the Sample: The blood sample is not always collected in a controlled and sterile environment like a hospital and […]

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Can police obtain my medical records if I am taken to the hospital after an accident?

In a Georgia DUI investigation as in many other jurisdictions, the ability of police to obtain medical records following an accident can depend on several factors, including the nature of the accident, whether a crime is suspected (such as driving under the influence -DUI), and the specific circumstances of the patient’s medical treatment. There are […]

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Court of Appeals of Georgia, First Division

The case is about a woman named Misty Michelle Garrison who was arrested for DUI by the Georgia State Patrol after crashing her car into a utility pole near Blairsville in Union County in Northern Georgia. The State filed an accusation charging Garrison with DUI less safe, failure to maintain lane, and violation of tire […]

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