Frost v State – Special Mens Rea means you have to stipulate stipulate stipulate
Frost v. State, __ GA ___, S14G1767, Reversed, Supreme Court of Georgia, June 15, 2015. In Frost v. State, the Georgia Supreme Court reversed the Georgia Court of Appeals finding in Frost that under OCGA 24-4-417 prior DUIs offered to establish knowledge of the Defendant were admissible even if the prior DUI convictions involved refusals and not […]
Read MoreHawaii has the most Drunk Drivers per 1000 population
August 7, 2015. According to the online journal live science, a CDC study found Hawaii had 995 drunk drivers per 1000 in population. This is an astounding fact considering that according to the 2010 Census 14.3 percent of the population is 65 and over and 9.4 percent of the population is under the legal drinking age. The […]
Read MoreThis is what your government wants for you- Wearable Alcohol Biosensors
DUI Freedom is Security Ensuring submission through careful observation and control, is the path to a safe, secure, and tranquil society. “Through the “A Wearable Alcohol Biosensor” Challenge (the “Challenge”), the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is searching for a wearable or otherwise […]
Read MoreLos Angeles v Patel – How long can OSAH ignore the exclusionary Rule
Georgia DUI cases have two legal tracks in two separate judicial bodies. First, the DUI is filed, plead, and/or contested in criminal courts, such as Local Municipal Courts, Recorders Courts, Probate Courts, State Courts, and Superior Courts. Criminal courts determine criminal guilt and criminal sanctions including jail time, fines, and probation conditions. The second lesser-known […]
Read MoreBostic v State – Trial Court reversed on DUI Probable Cause Denial
Bostic v. State, A15A0600, Reversed, June 25th, 2015. Perry Bostic appealed from the Trial Court’s denial of his motion to suppress his state-administered alcohol breath test from the Laurens County Superior Court wherein the Trial Court found that Police had “probable cause” to arrest him for DUI. The Court of Appeals agreed with Bostic and […]
Read MoreAthens-Clarke County changes rules for arresting underage drinkers
June 25, 2015. The joke among University of Georgia (UGA) students has always been that when you graduate from UGA your diploma comes with a criminal record. It is almost impossible to attend UGA and not be arrested for underage drinking these days. You would be hard-pressed to find a student that has not been […]
Read MoreWill new car technology make DUIs a thing of the past
The Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety program (DADSS or Big Daddy is watching as opposed to Big Brother is watching) is developing a unique application of technology that holds the potential to stop DUI drivers before they start. The technology will automatically detect when a driver is intoxicated with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at […]
Read MoreJones v State-Prior DUI comes into evidence to prove knowledge of voluntary driving when DUI
State v. Jones, S14G1061, June 1, 2015. The Georgia Supreme Court addressed the issue of whether under Rule 404(b) of Georgia’s New Evidence Code modeled after the Federal Rules of Evidence, a prior DUI conviction for DUI or “Other Acts Evidence” (Use of the term “Similar Transaction” is now officially discouraged) was admissible in a […]
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