McAllister v State – Sweeping Implied Consent Under the Rug
McAllister v. State, A13A1897, January 22, 2014. Daniel McAllister was arrested in Cherokee County after encountering a police roadblock. He refused the Deputies’ request for a breath test after reading implied consent rights. The Deputy drove McAllister to the jail where he applied for a warrant from a local magistrate for a blood draw. The […]
Read MoreMcAllister v State- if you cant beat em change the rules – closing the loophole of DUI refusals reported on January 31, 2014, about the Georgia Court of Appeals closing the DUI test refusal loophole by approving blood test warrants in DUI cases where suspects refuse the testing under the Georgia Implied Consent statute in the decision of McAllister v. State. But is it a good idea to take away a person’s […]
Read MoreWhere do you draw the line on Attorney Advertising?
Attorney advertising, specifically on TV, is usually a combination of low-budget, cheesy, and distasteful. Unfortunately, it works and a lot of good lawyers go out of business because they refuse to advertise or go to work for those that are unashamed enough to advertise on TV. Insurance companies aren’t complaining because T.V. Attorneys are the puppy […]
Read MoreProbing the Bad Science behind the DUI Breath test
Nutritional Scientist/Blogger Adam Kosslof probes the boundaries of bad science. Exhibit #1: the DUI breath test. He quotes a senior level Los Angeles prosecutor who wrote about DUI breath test weaknesses such as gender bias in alcohol breath testing, non-specificity of alcohol in DUI breath testing, how diabetes can throw off a DUI breath test, how ketones […]
Read MorePough v State – plowing new ground in Georgia DUI less safe by dicta
Pough v. State, A13A2269, January 15, 2014. Clifford Pough was standing outside of his gold Jeep on the shoulder of I-85 in Gwinnett County when police pulled up to check the vehicle. No one was inside the Jeep and the vehicle was running but its lights were off. Pough allegedly told police that he was on […]
Read MorePlemmons v. State – Making Plemonade out of Plemons
Plemmons v. State, A13A2452, February 18, 2014. Glenn Plemmons was convicted by a jury in Forsyth County, Cumming, Georgia of DUI less safe and driving on the wrong side of the road. Plemmons appealed after the trial court found that he had suffered a serious injury which negated the need for an arrest and reading […]
Read MoreAOL Jobs discusses 9 ways a Georgia DUI can cost you your Job
On January 21, 2014, AOL Jobs discussed nine ways that a DUI arrest or conviction can get you fired at work or otherwise cost you a job. The consequences of a DUI arrest are not always obvious. We have over 27 years of combined experience at George C. Creal, Jr., P.C., Trial Lawyers, dealing with the consequences of […]
Read MoreWhy is Justin Bieber still smiling after a 45 Thousand Dollar DUI Arrest
The Wall Street Journal’s Market Watch posed the question of why Justin Bieber is still smiling after a DUI arrest on January 23, 2014? The answer is that despite the fact that a single DUI arrest can cost you $45,000.00, Justin Bieber can make that amount of money in 2 minutes selling t-shirts before one of […]
Read MoreChattanooga Times Free Press Analyzes if Walker County Georgia Reduces too many DUIs
The Chattanooga Times Free Press published an article on Sunday, January 19th, 2014, about whether police and prosecutors reduce too many DUIs to disorderly conduct in LaFayette, Walker County, Georgia. While reductions to reckless driving are not uncommon in the Metro Atlanta area, reductions to charges like disorderly conduct and distracted driving (aka “South Georgia […]
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