Mad Mothers Impeach the Jury: A post from Fayette Citizen Free Speech page
There was a case in State Court last week that went before a jury trial where a man was charged with a DUI in Georgia and two counts of child endangerment with his children in the car, interfering with police and driving without a license. This person refused a breathalyzer and refused to cooperate with law […]
Read MoreGeorgia Requirements for Persons taking DUI School Courses out of state
The Georgia Department of Drivers Services (hereinafter “DDS”) will accept DUI School certificates from the states below as listed and the Out of State DUI School Program must be in an in-person classroom setting and not online or over the internet and certificate must state several hours completed for the DUI school course. Georgia law […]
Read MoreDUI DeKalb County: Client fell asleep and wrecked his car
The client fell asleep and wrecked his car. The client had Sunday brunch that included 1-2 Mimosa’s or champagne and orange juice drinks. Later that evening while driving home, the Client wrecked his car. The client was tired from working long hours and had an eye infection. Emergency Medical Technicians arrived and began treating the […]
Read MoreGwinnett DUI Driver injures her children in DUI accident
Serious Injury by Vehicle and DUI equals 15 years in state prison March 16, 2011: New media sources reported that a Gwinnett County DUI driver drove her car off the road injuring her two children ages, 16 and 8, who were taken to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. The female driver registered a .112 on the Georgia […]
Read MoreThe Real Deal George Creal Guarantee
1) Real Deal DUI Lawyers. In a town with too many rookies, you need a DUI lawyer who is the real deal and not a pretender. George Creal, Jr., P.C. is the real deal. We are DUI Attorneys with a reputation for winning DUI cases, aggressively defending DUI clients, and leading the State in pushing […]
Read MoreGeorgia DUI Myths
Myth: Driving at 0.08 is dangerous or a driver is impaired. Fact: A University of Utah study found that drivers talking on cell phones with and without earbuds were more dangerous than drivers who had consumed enough alcohol to be over the 0.08 legal blood alcohol limit for most states. See blog link Strayer, D. […]
Read MoreDeKalb Recorders Court
DeKalb Recorders Court has a new website that allows the entry of a not guilty plea by fax or e-mail. Electronic pleas must be done at least ten (10) days prior to the arraignment date assigned by the DeKalb County Police Officer on the Uniform Traffic Citation (UTC). On the website, there is an advisement […]
Read MoreCommonly Asked Questions: What do I do if I am pulled over for DUI?
The short answer is – it depends. Factors to consider are: jurisdiction of arrest, law enforcement agency of arrest, number of drinks. Generalizations are a dangerous thing and there are exceptions. The basic rule of thumb in a DUI case is that a DUI with a “state administered” breath or blood test is harder to win at trial than a case […]
Read MoreDUI DeKalb County: Client Changed Lanes Without a Blinker
Another vehicle was in his blind spot and passing in the right lane. A Georgia State Patrol Trooper stopped the driver on the side of I-20. The trooper testified the client had slurred speech but the video did not reveal a slur. The driver exited, walked, produced his license all without indicating any signs of […]
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