Brogdon v. State, A09A1269, Police can obtain a DUI search warrant for medical records
In Brogdon v. State, A09A1269, the Georgia Court of Appeals affirmed the use of a DUI search warrant to obtain medical records regarding a driver after an accident where an open beer can was found in the car and the driver smelled of alcohol by the Gwinnett County State Court trial judge. The Georgia Court of […]
Read MoreEven I’m Not that Good: .413 and Lived is a Record!
Recommendation: medical attention and rehab Man falls on head during sobriety test Largo, Florida — Largo Police responded to a crash at Huntington and East Bay. Police say 55-year-old Alfredo Villada Martinez made a U-turn in front of another vehicle and caused the crash. Police say Martinez’s actions and responses afterwards demonstrated impairment. Martinez kept asking […]
Read MoreUnder the limit, still under arrest: State v. Rowell if you blow under I’ll let you go is deceptive
Ever heard the DUI slogan broadcasts on the radio “Over the Limit, Under Arrest.” Does that mean if you blow under the legal limit you will not be arrested? The legal answer is no, but the public does not know that is not true. The public believes and the government’s advertisers keep saying “Over the […]
Read MoreEven DUI Lawyers Don’t Know When They are DUI
In January 2007, a Wisconsin DUI lawyer, Rick Petri, 64, got a call from a client that he was arrested for DUI. He went to the station to bail him out and blew a 0.09. The lawyer who had consumed alcoholic beverages earlier in the evening felt fine and thought the alcohol had worn off. Breath alcohol […]
Read MoreGwinnett Budget Woes Decimate DUI Enforcement
The Gwinnett County Court house boys in Lawrenceville, Georgia can’t stop talking about the devastating effect of budget woes on DUI enforcement in Gwinnett County. The DUI Court, a successful statewide DUI imitative to get DUI drivers off the road with rehabilitation instead of jail time which merely delays alcohol abuse and doesn’t stop it, […]
Read MoreDUI Source Code Debate Continues: Mathis v. State, A09A0962
In Mathis v. State, A09A0962, the Georgia Court of Appeals addressed an appeal from the denial of a request for the DUI Source Code in a DUI case from Douglasville, Douglas County, Georgia. The DUI driver was arrested for speeding found with open beers in the car, displayed manifestations of alcohol impairment according to the […]
Read MoreU.S. Supreme Court rules that certificates of State Lab Analyst violate the right to confrontation
The U.S. Supreme Court has dealt a blow to the infamous paper witness. Paper is impossible to cross-examine, so when paper documents are legislated admissible in court it is burden-shifting and requires the Defense to hire an expert to rebut the paper witness. It is unclear how far Georgia Courts will allow this case precedent […]
Read MoreWade v. State, A08A1647, DUI, Similar Transactions
Wade v. State, A08A1647, DUI, Similar Transactions, the Georgia Court of Appeals essentially admits that similar transaction evidence in DUI cases is bad law. Georgia is the only state in the union that allows similar transaction evidence to come in as evidence of “bent of mind” which is just another way of saying bad character […]
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