“National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released the results of a study in 1998 that evaluated the accuracy of the standardized field sobriety test (SFST) battery at BACs below 0.10 percent. (Stuster and Burns, Final Rep. to NHTSA, Validation of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test Battery at BACs Below 0.10 Percent (1998).)…The NHTSA’s report expressly dispelled a common misapprehension ‘that field sobriety tests are designed to measure driving impairment.’ ( Id., at p. 28.) According to the NHTSA, the SFST battery is instead designed specifically to “provide statistically valid and reliable indications of a driver’s BAC, rather than indications of driving impairment.’” [Emphasis Added]
-Author: George Creal