Once the license has been run, identity checked, warrants checked and processing of original traffic violation has been completed, an officer cannot continue detention without articulable suspicion. If an officer continues to hold an individual after the conclusion of the traffic stop and interrogates him or seeks consent to search without reasonable suspicion of criminal activity, the officer has exceeded the scope of a permissible investigation of the initial traffic stop and the search is illegal.
The officer in this case had no information about the reliability of the lookout information provided to the police captain or how timeliness of the information. There was only a general description of the vehicle.
Nervousness is not a legal basis for an investigative detention. Even when combined with the lookout information and nervousness, the Court of Appeals found that there were no circumstances sufficient to create a reasonable suspicion that Heard was involved in criminal activity other than the suspected traffic violation. Therefore, the search was illegal and the drugs were suppressed.
-Author: George C. Creal, Jr.