Gwinnett County DUI Information

What to know if you've been charged with a Gwinnett County DUI


Arrested for DUI in Gwinnett County, Georgia? Need an accomplished, professional DUI attorney familiar with the Gwinnett County Justice System? With over 50 years of combined experience defending DUI arrests, George C. Creal Jr., P.C. are the Real Deal Gwinnett County DUI Attorneys. 

A Gwinnett County DUI arrest will trigger both proceedings in an administrative drivers license court and a criminal court starting at the Gwinnett County Recorders Court and can also be heard in the Gwinnett County State Court as well as one of many municipal Courts in Gwinnett County including Lawrenceville, Duluth, Suwannee, Sugar Hill, Buford, Dacula, Lilburn, Snellville, Loganville, and Norcross.

You have only 30 calendar days to request a driver’s license hearing so you do not lose your driver’s license administratively before you are even convicted in criminal court. Criminal court carries deadlines as well such as filing motions before or within 10 days of arraignment that will otherwise be waived.

Further, any competent DUI lawyer will obtain initial police incident reports, supplemental Police incident reports, accident reports, 911 tapes, police body camera video, police dash camera video, private surveillance video, and place the police under oath at a motion hearing or license hearing to obtain the full story before negotiating any plea deals or deciding to go to trial. You never know what a police officer will say until you put him or her under oath on the witness stand. Too much is at stake to take shortcuts in defending a DUI

arrest. We have the expertise not only to obtain this evidence but to cross-examine and bring light to weaknesses in the State’s case that can result in reductions in charges, punishment, or sometimes even dismissal of all charges.

Further, a DUI arrest with children under 14 can result in a DUI for each child and increased jail and license suspensions up to five years in some cases. Further, if this is a 4th The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHSTA) training protocols in DUI Detection and Field Sobriety Evaluations are used by police departments all over Georgia. We know the procedures outlined in these manuals like the back of our hand, and we use our knowledge to show how sobriety evaluations are unreliable, inaccurate, and abused by police.

We expose the flaws inherent in Georgia DUI investigations in order to prove your innocence. For more information on a strong Georgia DUI defense, check out our Helpful GA DUI Guide.

Dedicated Gwinnett County DUI Lawyers Determined to Fight for Your Rights – Aggressive Representation You Deserve

Did you know that Gwinnett County makes more DUI arrests a week than all other Metro-Atlanta counties combined! We have handled thousands of DUI cases, had hundreds of DUI arrests reduced to non-DUI traffic offenses like reckless driving prior to trial, and won and/or tried hundreds of DUI Jury Trials. Unlike many Georgia DUI law firms we have real Not Guilty Jury Trial Experience. Ask other DUI lawyers when was the last time they heard a Jury say “Not Guilty” in a DUI case. You would be surprised how many so-called “expert DUI lawyers” cannot give you a straight answer.


If it’s the First Time or Next Time, it’s Always Good to be Prepared. Even if you’re not technically DUI, if there is an odor of alcohol on your breath you are likely to be arrested and taken to jail. If the police cannot arrest you for DUI per se (blowing over 0.08), they’ll most likely arrest you for DUI less safe: blowing under the legal limit, but being “less safe” to drive because of the presence of alcohol or drugs.

Hiring a Gwinnett County DUI Attorney

For Our Firm, Client Communication is Essential

We do not hesitate to give you our office numbers, cell phone numbers, and email address. If you call, text, or email us about your case, we will contact you as soon as possible and never in more than 24 hours. We understand your anxiety about your Gwinnett County DUI charge. Every day we represent a diverse group of DUI and traffic clients throughout the State of Georgia and always show them the care and compassion that they deserve. Our goal is that at the end of our representation you feel confident recommending us to your closest friends and family members. For our firm, customer service is priority number one.

We will take over your DUI case so you can have your life back. Our initial consultation is always free and we will send an ALS DUI license hearing request letter for free as long as you pay the State Department of Driver Services’ $150.00 filing fee.

We handle all types of Gwinnett County DUI cases including those with or without breath and/or blood test results, refusals of blood, breath or urine tests, and cases with and without Standardized Field Sobriety Evaluations. We have handled DUI accidents and DUI fatalities, DUI drugs, fleeing and eluding the police, and felony and misdemeanor obstruction. Believe us, our Gwinnett County DUI attorneys have seen almost every possible DUI scenario at least once. Through our experience, we have honed our DUI case procedure down to a methodical and thorough process that leaves no stone unturned and has the potential to win even the most vexing Gwinnett County drunk driving case.

How to Hire a Lawyer for a Gwinnett County DUI

A Gwinnett County DUI is Serious and Can Result in Jail Time, Fines, and License Suspensions

Even for a 1st DUI, you can be fined up to $1000.00 with 40% tacked on as court costs, spend up to 12 months in jail, do 40 hours of community service, be subject to drug and alcohol testing for one year, and serve 12 months of reporting probation. Your license can be suspended anywhere from 120 days to 5 years. Do not try to handle your DUI without an experienced Gwinnett County DUI Attorney.

Advice as to who you decide to hire as your Gwinnett County DUI lawyer: 1) Don’t hire a DUI lawyer based solely on price. Sometimes the cheapest lawyer–especially if they plea you to a DUI you don’t deserve at the first opportunity–can be the most expensive. Cost per hour is the best way to compare lawyers. If a lawyer charges $1000, but only spends an hour on your case, that’s $1000 dollars an hour! We, unlike bargain basement firms, spend an average of 10 hours on every DUI case. 2) Ask any attorney that you speak with whether he/she has tried any DUI jury trials and how many not guilty verdicts he/she has received in the past 2 years; 3) Ask any attorney that you speak with whether he/she has studied police field sobriety training manuals and breath test machine, owner’s and area supervisor’s manuals. If not, they cannot adequately cross-examine DUI police officers or breath test operators. A DUI lawyer who can’t answer these questions is not ready for a real DUI jury trial and is not worth your time and money.  

A Gwinnett County DUI lawyer is standing by. Call TODAY (404) 333-0706 or email us at [email protected] for a FREE CONSULTATION.

With One Click or Call We Can Begin Working on Your Georgia DUI Case

Gwinnett County Recorders Court Information

DUI arrests in Gwinnett County are taken to the Gwinnett County Jail. All DUI arrests are generally sent to the Gwinnett County Recorder’s Court for trial, which is all non-jury trials. Typically, only DUI pleas are handled in Recorder’s Court, although some DUI cases can be reduced to non-DUI traffic violations like reckless driving in Recorder’s Court. If a jury trial is requested or a motion to exclude evidence or dismiss the case is filed, then these matters are typically bound over to the State Court of Gwinnett County. For multiple DUI offenders facing harsh jail sentences, Gwinnett County DUI Court is an option, which provides a program of rehabilitation rather than jail time, It should be said that the DUI Court is a time-consuming, strenuous program that is definitely not for everyone. 

The Gwinnett County DUI Court was created in 2005 under a pilot program offered by the State and in cooperation with the State Court Bench, the Solicitor’s Office, the Defense Bar, Treatment Providers, and probation offices.

The Gwinnett County DUI Court program is a minimum of twelve (12) months and a maximum of twenty-four (24) months and consists of 3 phases:

Phase I – Active treatment and early recovery,

Phase II – Relapse prevention, and

Phase III – Continuance of Care.

The DUI Court program includes both vocational and educational components in conjunction with substance abuse treatment monitored by the DUI Court judge. If you would like to participate in the Gwinnett DUI Court Program:

  • Speak with your attorney;
  • Read the DUI Court Participant Handbook and DUI Court Contract and discuss any questions you might have with your attorney;
  • If you are still interested, complete the Participant Application Form and the Defendant Waiver form;
  • Finally, deliver the documents to the DUI Court Office: by mail, by fax, or in person. Gwinnett County Courthouse

Once your Gwinnett DUI Court application is received, an appointment will be set for you to be assessed by the DUI Court Staff. The Solicitors Office will review your case and your criminal history and the Gwinnett DUI Court Team will review all of this information and make a group decision concerning your acceptance into DUI Court.

If accepted, your DUI attorney should contact the  Solicitor’s Office for a plea recommendation of punishment and a DUI plea date (DUI Court still means punishment as DUI laws carry minimum mandatory jail time, community service, and probation – just less of it). Once you enter your plea your treatment will begin right away.

Gwinnett County Courthouse

By Mail:
Gwinnett County Courthouse
Attn: Court Administration,
75 Langley Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30045

By Fax: (770) 822-8559. (A fax must be followed by delivery of the original documents.)

In-Person: All documents may be hand-delivered to the control desk on the 2nd floor of the Gwinnett County Courthouse.


Most DUI arrests in Gwinnett County that are not made by a municipal police department start in the Recorders Court of Gwinnett County. There are no jury trials in Recorders Court only Bench Trials (Trials with a Judge only).  If you can not get your DUI case reduced to a lesser included offense, have a technical legal issue that requires a motion, or want a jury trial, then you must bind your case over to the Gwinnett County State Court. The Court is located at:

Gwinnett County Recorder’s Court:
115 Stone Mountain Street
Lawrenceville, GA 30046-6900
Phone: 1-877-794-0988



Recorder's Court
Reception Desk
Phone: (770) 619-6140

Allison Cauthen
Supervising Attorney
Phone: (770) 619-6133

Dexter Riley
Assistant Solicitor to Judge Armstrong
Phone: (770) 619-6131

Michelle Bloch
Assistant Solicitor to Judge Park
Phone: (770) 619-6132

Assistant Solicitor to Judge Person
Phone: (770) 619-6796

Thais Fortin
Environmental, Animal, and School Bus Cases
Phone: (770) 619-6149

Natary Lee
Legal Supervisor
Phone: (770) 619-6128

Rocky Beebe
Legal Assistant
Phone: (770) 619-6137

Harrell Thomas
Legal Assistant
Phone: (770) 619-6987

Charlene Whitehead
Legal Assistant
Phone: (770) 619-6139

Miranda Traylor
Legal Assistant
Phone: (770) 619-6139


Chief Judge: Kathrine Armstrong
Judge: Mihae Park
Judge: Wesley Person


Solicitor’s Office: 770.822.8300

Mailing Address:
Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center
75 Langley Drive
Lawrenceville, GA  30046

Gwinnett County State Court website:

Gwinnett County State Court Solicitor General website:

Solicitor-General: Brian Whiteside
Phone: 770.822.8300

Chief Assistant Solicitor: Vacant
Phone: 770.822.8368

Supervising Attorney: Matt Miller
Phone: 770.822.8319

Office Manager: Rachel Pirkle
Phone: 770.822.8355

IT Associate: Alex Warner
Phone: 770.822.8593
Fax I: 770.822.8339
Fax II: 770.822.8530

Appeals: Joseph Morales

Phone: 770.822.8597


Assistant Solicitor: Dennis Fortin
Phone: 770-619-6733

Legal Supervisor: Stephanie Lanier
Phone: 770-619-6730

Legal Assistant: Ivoery Bennett
Phone: 770-619-6731

Victim Witness Coordinator: Connie L.  Johnson
Phone: 770-619-6732


Emily J. Brantley
Phone: (770) 822-8515
Fax: (770) 822-8513

David M Abercrombie
Staff Attorney
Phone: (770) 822-8516
Fax: (770) 822-8513

Kelli Pollack
Judicial Assistant
Phone: (770) 822-8515
Fax: (770) 822-8513

Sarah Reynolds
Calendar Coordinator
Phone: (770) 822-8517
Fax: (770) 822-8513

Trisha Caputi
Court Reporter
Phone: (770) 822-8635
Fax: (770) 822-8513

Angelina Davis
Assistant Solicitor General 
Phone: (770) 822-3102

Melissa Sifuentes-Flores
Legal Associate (Solicitor's Office)
Phone: (770) 822-8318

Chartrese Bailey
Victim-Witness Coordinator
Phone: (770) 822-8324


Shawn F. Bratton

Phone: (770) 822-8609
Fax: (770) 822-8684

Tammy Brown
Judicial Assistant
Phone: (770) 822-8609
Fax: (770) 822-8684

Holly Tullis
Calendar Coordinator
Phone: (770) 822-8608
Fax: (770) 822-8684

Ellen Hight
Law Clerk
Phone: (770) 822-8610
Fax: (770) 822-8684

BeeBe Farrell
Court Reporter
Phone: (770) 822-8927
Fax: (770) 822-8684

Jasmine Joseph
Assistant Solicitor General
Phone: (770) 822-8311

Marissa Martin
Legal Associate (Solicitor's Office)
Phone: (770) 822-8329

Julia Culbreth
Victim-Witness Coordinator
Phone: (770) 822-8295


Carla E. Brown
Phone: (770) 822-8503

Sebastian Suma
Staff Attorney
Phone: (770) 822-8507
Fax: (770) 822-7610

Kim Burgess
Calendar Coordinator (Civil Information)
Phone: (770) 822-8503
Fax: (770) 822-7610

Sharon Hubbard
Judicial Assistant (Criminal Information)
Phone: (770) 822-8506
Fax: (770) 822-7610

Tamika Allen
Court Reporter
Phone: (770) 822-8546
Fax: (770) 822-7610

Jared Lee
Assistant Solicitor General
Phone: (770) 822-8076

Hillary Schaeffer
Assistant Solicitor General
Phone: (770) 822-8309

Lori Edelkind
Legal Associate (Solicitor's Office)
Phone: (770) 822-8228

Tre Thomas
Victim-Witness Coordinator
Phone: (770) 822-8314


Ronda Colvin Leary
Phone: (770) 822-8548
Fax: (770) 822-8513

Debra Siegel
Staff Attorney
Phone: (770) 822-8549
Fax: (770) 822-8513

Carla Densmore
Judicial Assistant
Phone: (770) 822-8548
Fax: (770) 822-8513

Kelsea Martin
Calendar Coordinator
Phone: (770) 822-8547
Fax: (770) 822-8513

Kristina Steffey
Court Reporter
Phone: (770) 822-8221

Joe McLaughlin
Assistant Solicitor General
Phone: (770) 822-8772

Assistant Solicitor General
Phone: (770) 822-8977

Justin Rupram
Legal Associate (Solicitor's Office)
Phone: (770) 822-8592

Autumn Hulteen
Victim-Witness Coordinator
Phone: (770) 822-8296


Pamela D. South
Chief Judge
Phone: (770) 822-8554
Fax: (770) 822-8645

Dan Whitworth
Staff Attorney
Phone: (770) 822-8556
Fax: (770) 822-8645

Angie Wellmaker
Judicial Assistant (Criminal Matters)
Phone: (770) 822-8554
Fax: (770) 822-8645

Judy Haliasz
Calendar Coordinator (Civil Matters)
Phone: (770) 822-8555
Fax: (770) 822-8645

Linda Archibald
Court Reporter
Phone: (770) 822-8545
Fax: (770) 822-8645

Ahren Johnson
Assistant Solicitor General
Phone: (770) 822-8309

Brittany Carter
Assistant Solicitor General
Phone: (770) 822-8342

Chandler Gresham
Legal Associate (Solicitor's Office)
Phone: (770) 822-8594

Keandra Gatson
Victim-Witness Coordinator
Phone: (770) 822-8389


Veronica Cope
Phone: (770) 822-8755
Fax: (770) 822-8684

William Teich
Staff Attorney
Phone: (770) 822-8756

Tammy White
Judicial Assistant
Phone: (770) 822-8757

Amber Goins
Calendar Coordinator
Phone: (770) 822-8758

Patrice Becker
Court Reporter
Phone: (770) 822-8638

Rachel Sinclair
Assistant Solicitor General
Phone: (770) 822-8326

Christine Chang
Legal Associate (Solicitor's Office)
Phone: (770) 822-8320

Merritt Cowart
Victim-Witness Coordinator
Phone: (770) 822-8239

If you have been arrested for DUI in Gwinnett County Georgia, one of the first things you should consider doing is to obtain your DUI police incident report. A DUI incident report may be obtained in person from any of the six Gwinnett County Police locations:

Gwinnett County Police Headquarters
770 Hi Hope Road
Lawrenceville, Ga 30044


West Precinct
6160 Crescent Drive
Norcross, GA 30071

South Precinct
2180 Stone Dr
Lilburn, Ga 30047

North Precinct
2735 Mall of Ga Blvd
Buford, Ga 30518

East Precinct
2273 Alcovy Rd.
Dacula, Ga 30019

Central Precinct
3125 Satellite Blvd
Duluth, Ga 30096

There is a $0.25 per page copying charge for incident reports and a flat fee of $5 for accident reports. DUI incident reports may be requested by mail by sending a request including the case number, your name, and $3 for incident Reports or $5 for accident reports (check or money order, payable to “Gwinnett County Police”) with a self-addressed stamped envelope to Gwinnett County Police Department, Attn: Records, PO Box 602, Lawrenceville GA 30046. The police stations are closed on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday and are open other days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. but are closed from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. for lunch

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