Peachtree City DUI Information
What to know if you've been charged with a Peachtree City DUI
Arrested for DUI in Peachtree City, Georgia? Whether you were in a car or thought you were being smart and got a DUI in a Golf Cart, your need an accomplished, professional Peachtree City DUI attorney familiar with the Municipal Court of Peachtree City and Fayette County Justice System? A golf cart dui has the same legal consequences as a DUI in a car. Golf cart DUIs are very common in Peachtree City.
We have over 30 years of experience defending DUI arrests including both Golf Cart and Automobile DUI arrests. The legal team at George C. Creal, Jr., P.C. are the Real Deal Peachtree City DUI Attorneys. We know ins and outs of the Peachtree City and Fayette County Justice Systems. We know the Courts, the Judge, the Prosecutor, and the Police, and they know we are able and willing to fight for each and every one of our clients’ rights. Peachtree City Municipal Court Information.
The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHSTA) training manuals in DUI Detection and Field Sobriety Evaluations are used by Police agencies all over the United States. These manuals are central to how we will evaluate your DUI defense and create a strategy to win your case. We have thoroughly studied these manuals and use our knowledge to establish how DUI evaluations are unreliable, inaccurate, and abused by police. We expose the flaws inherent to Georgia DUI investigations in order to prove your innocence. For more information on a strong DUI defense, visit our Helpful GA DUI Guide.
Dedicated Peachtree City DUI Lawyers Determined to Fight for Your Interests – Aggressive DUI Representation You Deserve:
We have handled thousands of DUI cases, had hundreds of DUI arrests reduced to reckless driving and other non-DUI traffic offenses, and tried over of one hundred DUI Jury Trials. Unlike other Peachtree City DUI lawyers, we have valuable Not Guilty Jury Trial Experience, which is rarer than you might realize. Ask other lawyers when was the last time they heard a jury say the words “Not Guilty” in a DUI Trial. You will be surprised how many so-called “expert DUI lawyers” cannot give you a straight answer.

Why are There Separate Charges on My Ticket? DUI stands for driving under the influence, and in Georgia there are six different kinds of DUI. Three involve driving under the influence of drugs, one involves inhalants, and the last two, which are the most common types of DUI we encounter in Georgia, are alcohol related. There are two types of alcohol related DUI charges: “per se” and “less safe.”
Hiring a Peachtree City DUI Attorney
For Our Firm, Client Communication is Essential
We do not hesitate to give you our office numbers, cell phone numbers, and email address. If you call, text or email us about your case, we will contact you as soon as possible and never in more than 24 hours. We understand you are nervous about your Peachtree City DUI arrest, but with our firm you can relax. We represent a diverse group of DUI and traffic clients every single day throughout the State of Georgia and always ensure that our clients receive the care and respect they deserve. Our goal is that at the end of your case you feel confident recommending us to your closest friends and relatives. For our firm, customer service is priority number one.
You can meet us in person at our office or we can start your case over the phone or internet. We know you are busy and we value your time. We will take care of your DUI case so you can get back to what matters in life: work, friends, and family. Our first consultation is always free and we will send an ALS DUI license hearing request letter for free as long as you pay the Georgia Department of Driver Services’ $150.00 filing fee. In order to request a hearing, these letters must be sent within ten business days of your arrest, so please contact us quickly if you would like us to send a letter.
We handle all Georgia DUI cases including those with or without breath and/or blood test results, refusals of blood, breath or urine, and cases with or without Standardized Field Sobriety Evaluations. We have handled DUI accidents and DUI fatalities, DUI drugs, fleeing and eluding police, marijuana possession, and felony and misdemeanor obstruction. Believe us, there is no set of facts our Peachtree City DUI attorneys haven’t seen at least once. Our DUI defense procedure is highly refined and has proven over time to be a formula for success. We do not miss critical facts and seize even the most difficult DUI acquittals.
How to Hire a Lawyer for a Peachtree City DUI
A Peachtree DUI is Serious and Can Result in Jail Time, Fines, and License Suspensions – DO NOT OPT to Represent Yourself:
Under Georgia law for a first DUI you can be fined up to $1000.00 with 40% tacked on as court costs, spend up to 12 months, do 40 hours community service, be subject to drug and alcohol testing for one year and serve 12 months of reporting probation. Your license can be suspended anywhere from 120 days to 5 years. Do not try to handle your DUI without an experienced Peachtree City DUI attorney.
Advice as to who you decide to hire as your Peachtree City DUI lawyer: 1) Don’t hire a DUI lawyer based solely on price. Sometimes the cheapest lawyer–especially if they plea you to a DUI you don’t deserve at the first opportunity–can be the most expensive. Cost per hour is the best way to compare lawyers. If a lawyer charges $1000, but only spends an hour on your case, that’s $1000 dollars an hour! We, unlike bargain basement firms, spend an average of 10 hours on every DUI case. 2) Ask any attorney that you speak with whether he/she has tried any DUI jury trials and how many not guilty verdicts he/she has received in the past 2 years; 3) Ask any attorney that you speak with whether he/she has studied police field sobriety training manuals and breath test machine, owner’s and area supervisor’s manuals. If not, they cannot adequately cross examine DUI police officers or breath test operators. A DUI lawyer who can’t answer these questions is not ready for a real DUI jury trial and is not worth your time and money.
A Peachtree DUI is Serious and Can Result in Jail Time, Fines, and License Suspensions – DO NOT OPT to Represent Yourself:
You can meet us in person at our office or we can start your case over the phone or internet. We know you are busy and we value your time. We will take care of your DUI case so you can get back to what matters in life: work, friends, and family. Our first consultation is always free and we will send an ALS DUI license hearing request letter for free as long as you pay the Georgia Department of Driver Services’ $150.00 filing fee. In order to request a hearing, these letters must be sent within ten business days of your arrest, so please contact us quickly if you would like us to send a letter.
We handle all Georgia DUI cases including those with or without breath and/or blood test results, refusals of blood, breath or urine, and cases with or without Standardized Field Sobriety Evaluations. We have handled DUI accidents and DUI fatalities, DUI drugs, fleeing and eluding police, marijuana possession, and felony and misdemeanor obstruction. Believe us, there is no set of facts our Peachtree City DUI attorneys haven’t seen at least once. Our DUI defense procedure is highly refined and has proven over time to be a formula for success. We do not miss critical facts and seize even the most difficult DUI acquittals.
Peachtree City DUI Court Information
Peachtree City Municipal Court is held each Wednesday at City Hall, 151 Willowbend Road Court begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Court dates and times are printed on the citation. All persons entering the courtroom are subject to search. If you are late you may be sent away and subject to a $50 fine.
Fines may be paid in person at the Peachtree City Municipal Court Clerk’s office, located in City Hall at 151 Willowbend Road, or online via the link below. All payments must be paid by 1:00 the DAY BEFORE your court date to avoid appearing for court. Defendants can also pay online by 1:00 pm the day prior to court. Fines maybe paid at the Peachtree City Municipal Court in Cash, by Cashier’s checks, by personal check (as long as it is not a starter check or blank) or Money Orders are accepted for payments received via mail or in person. Defendants may pay online using a credit or debit card by going the Peachtree City Municipal Court website and click on the pay online link.
Defendants are allowed one continuance by the court office for their arraignment date. This continuance will go to the officers’ next arraignment date. A request must be completed before 1:00 P.M. on the Tuesday prior to the court date.
The Peachtree Municipal Court is located at:
151 Willowbend Road, Peachtree City, GA 30269Phone: 770-631-2096
Fax: 678-364-6654
Judge: H. Clay Collins, Chief Judge
Solicitor: Marcia Moran
Chief Court Clerk: Doreen Rowe
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Mon. – Fri.
Court Times: Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.