An early stage of alcohol digestion is the absorptive phase, which can last anywhere from 15 minutes to two-and-one-half hours. In the absorptive phase, the distribution of alcohol is not uniform throughout the body – there is more alcohol in arterial rather than venous blood. Arterial blood bathes the aveolar sacs in the lungs, which affects the amount of alcohol in your breath. At the end of the absorptive phase, blood-alcohol content peaks and the alcohol begins to dissipate. But because there is more alcohol in arterial blood during the absorptive phase, it is likely that individuals who take a state-administered breath test after arrest will have a higher BAC than when they were driving. Since Georgia’s DUI statute only accounts for the dissipation of alcohol rather than the initial phases of digestion, individuals like our client are forced to deal with an undue charge from an inexact, speculative law.