Attorney Eilam Isaak is claiming that the machine has a faulty sensor, and therefore gives inaccurate results. At issue is the sample volume. An Intoxilyzer 8000 requires 1.1 liters of breath volume to get an accurate result. When questioned regarding the 1.1 liters of breath volume required for accuracy, an expert responded that that amount was needed to have a reliable sample, “but not necessarily have a reliable test.” Hair-splitting aside, Isaak claims that the machines aren’t calibrated often enough, and for this reason, many machines provide results labeled as accurate that resulted from inadequate breath samples. The decision will be handed down in early November 2012. Regardless of the outcome of the decision, the more challenges brought as to the underlying validity of state breath test machines, the sooner their inherent flaws will be exposed and put to use in DUI defense. It’s an ongoing fight and we’re proud to take part.