In Georgia, individuals suspected of DUI have to contend with two different charges, DUI Per Se and Less Safe. These charges hinge on different pieces of evidence. To charge an individual with DUI Per Se, the State must obtain a state-administered chemical test that shows the individual had a BAC of .08% or higher within three hours of driving. If the test result is lower than .08% or the individual refuses the test, the State will charge the individual with DUI Less Safe. In order to prove a DUI Less Safe charge, the State uses field sobriety tests, the initial driving infraction, the demeanor of the suspect, and the admittance of having ingested alcohol as evidence. As fantastic as Alcopal may sound to people playing fast and loose with drunk driving, remember that Alcopal, or similar substances, won’t help you maintain your lane, hide the odor of alcohol, walk a straight line, or not slur your speech. Whether it’s DUI Per Se or Less Safe, a Georgia DUI is still a DUI.