Governor Wants DUI and Drug Courts and Floyd County is one step ahead of him
The Rome News Tribune reported in February 2011 that Gov. Nathan Deal wants fewer non-violent drug offenders in jail. He would like to see these offenders in alternatives to jail like DUI courts and Drug courts. Floyd County is one step ahead and has been implementing a Drug Court program called Matrix since 2007. Superior […]
Read MoreAlcohol Breath Testing Fails again in Philadelphia
Philadelphia District Attorney announced on May 13, 2011, that another 1500 persons convicted of DUI in 2008 and 2009 are entitled to new trials after a two-month inquiry regarding faulty breathalyzers used by Police despite not being properly calibrated according to local news outlets. Atlanta DUI | DUI Atlanta
Read MoreDerek Lowe DUI arrest probably will result in a Reckless dui to lack of evidence since it is difficult to prove a sober person is drunk without a breath test
Atlanta Braves pitcher, Derek Lowe, was stopped and arrested for an Atlanta DUI on April 28, 2011. Lowe was stopped by a Georgia State Patrol trooper on Thursday evening at about 10:00 pm in Atlanta. The trooper smelled an odor of alcohol and had Lowe perform standardized field sobriety tests such as the Horizontal Gaze […]
Read MoreFaulty Breathalyzer could throw out 865 DUIs in California
A manufacturer’s defect could result in 865 DUI arrests being thrown out of court in San Jose California. The Alco-Sensor V breathalyzer is believed to have produced erroneous results as a result of condensation from breath building up in the breath tube. Alco-Sensors are used in Georgia DUIs for preliminary breath screening as positive or […]
Read MoreEnergy Drinks and Alcohol Can Cause DUI arrests for the unwary
A University of Florida study finds that college students who drink alcoholic energy-drink cocktails are three times more likely to get drunk and four times more likely to drive drunk according to researcher Dennis Thombs, Ph.D., and his associates. Combining energy drinks and alcohol tricks the drinker’s brain into thinking he or she is sober […]
Read MoreCoweta County DUI jail sentence results in a Death Sentence at county jail
Cruel and Unusual Punishment in Coweta County DUI. CBS News recently reported about a Coweta County Misdemeanor DUI Detainee who died in a special restraint chair designed for use at a maximum of 2 hours after 14 hours in a chair in August of 2008. The Misdemeanor detainee, Willie Sutton, Sr., was suffering from extreme […]
Read MoreBlack Caucus sues to dissolve new cities of Johns Creek, Dunwoody, Sandy Springs and Milton.
The suit seeks dissolution of the cities of Johns Creek, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, and Milton as Voting Rights Act violations. Dr. Joseph Lowery and several Plaintiffs have sued Governor Nathan Deal and several new cities formed in the last six years including Johns Creek, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, Milton claiming that the incorporation of the areas […]
Read MoreDunwoody Officers win 2011 MADD awards
ON March 24, 2011, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) had awards banquet at the Georgia International Convention Center at 2000 Convention Ct Concourse, College Park, GA 30337-4200. Two Dunwoody Officers walked away with awards. Officer Tim Waldron received the Bronze Award for having made 39 DUI arrests in 2010. Officer Alvin Rodriguez received the Silver […]
Read MoreHenry County DUI HEAT Unit wins 2011 MADD Award
ON March 24, 2011, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) had awards banquet at the Georgia International Convention Center at 2000 Convention Ct Concourse, College Park, GA 30337-4200. The Henry County Police Department (HCPD) won the DUI Hero Award for police agencies Police Department with the highest total number of DUI arrests for their agency size. […]
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