Judge gives 1st time DUI Offenders 14 to 30 days in Jail or more!
The Detroit Free Press reported on a Judge who despite enjoying the occasional glass of wine will subject first-time DUI offenders to 14 to 30 days in jail despite overwhelming research that harsh jail time on DUI offenders does not reduce DUIs and costs local governments an extraordinary amount of money. Most people don’t realize […]
Read MoreNew Miami-Dade County DUI program provides alternative to a DUI Conviction for first-time offenders
The Miami Herald reported about a new DUI alternative program being initiated at the end of this month. If eligible, a DUI Defendant’s first DUI arrest will be reduced to reckless driving, a non-serious traffic offense, if they complete alcohol awareness classes and submit to alcohol monitoring and a period of alcohol abstinence. The program […]
Read MoreLegislative Update: HB 92 requires second DUI punishment for first time DUI offenders over 0.15
Georgia Representative Kevin Levitas is banking more Georgia DUI capital at the State House in Atlanta with a new “tougher on DUI offenders” legislation in HB 92. Last year it was toughening sanctions for multiple DUI offenders. This year the target is first-time DUI offenders. Soccer moms beware of that third glass of wine! It […]
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