What to Expect After a Georgia DUI Arrest
- Expect at least three Court appearances
- Expect to pay between $1500-$7000 in legal fees depending on how far you want to take your case, i.e, plea, motion to suppress evidence, judge trial, or jury trial and/or criminal history.
- Expect at least three to nine months to resolve your case.
- Expect a guilty plea to costs you at least $3000-$4000 in money and time.
- Expect limitations on your driver’s license if you plead guilty or are convicted after a trial.
- Expect jail time of 24 hours to one year if you plead guilty or are convicted after a trial.
- Expect to be required to submit to Drug and Alcohol Evaluation from a licensed psychologist or counselor at a cost of between $100 and $300 and perform any recommended treatment.
- Expect between 40-240 hours of community service if you plead guilty or are convicted after trial
- Expect a minimum of 12 months probation with a $44.00 dollar a month supervision fee if you plead guilty or are convicted after trial.
- Expect to be prohibited from drinking and using non-prescribed drugs during the entire period of probation and being subjected to random tests of your blood, breath or urine
- Expect a DUI conviction to be on your criminal history and law enforcement driving history for life.
- Expect to lose your job or be subject to a professional investigation if you use a commercial driver’s license at work or are a licensed professional with the state or federal government with a governing board or commission